Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as "this Privacy Policy") defines the handling of personal information, including personal information of individuals (hereinafter referred to as "Customers"), such as users of the services provided by CRESS Co.,Ltd., its subsidiaries, and affiliated companies (collectively referred to as "we" or "our company") (hereinafter referred to as "the Services"). This includes information defined as "personal information" under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act No. 57 of 2003, hereinafter referred to as the "Personal Information Protection Act"). This applies to individuals such as customers, business partners, job applicants, and shareholders.

1. Personal Information Collected

We collect personal information as follows, depending on the method of collection

(1) Information Provided Directly by Customers

We may collect information directly provided by customers during information registration when using the Services. Such information may include

  • Personal information such as name, date of birth, gender
  • Contact information such as email address, phone number, and address
  • Credit card information, bank account information
  • Information entered or transmitted by the customer through input forms or other methods we specify

(2)Information Provided by Third Parties

We may collect personal information from third parties in the course of our business operations, including the operation of the Services. For example, if you permit the connection between the Services and external services such as social networking services (SNS), we may collect the following information from such external services based on your consent

  • The ID you use on the external service (including converted identifiers)
  • Other information you have allowed the external service to disclose to the linked service, based on the privacy settings of the external service

(3)Information Automatically Collected by the Services

When you use or browse the Services, certain information may be automatically transmitted to us via internet technology. Such information may include

  • Referrer
  • IP address
  • Server access logs
  • Information related to cookies or similar technologies
  • ADID, IDFA, or other advertising identifiers
  • Device IDs and other identifiers related to communication devices
  • Information about your browser, operating system, and communication device
  • Information related to your Wi-Fi connection
  • Location information
  • Browsing history and behavior history
  • Other information regarding your use of the Services (including usage and content viewing history)

2.Purpose of Using Personal Information

We use the personal information collected for the following purposes

(1)Purpose of Use for Business Partners and Other Stakeholders

  • To contact you for business purposes, fulfill contracts, and for business negotiations
  • To manage business partner information

(2)Purpose of Use for Job Applicants

  • To provide information, communication, and notifications to job applicants
  • To conduct recruitment selection (including reference checks and other confirmation procedures)
  • To support the acquisition of necessary visas or work permits
  • For statistical purposes to assist in future recruitment planning and other recruitment-related activities

(3)Purpose of Use for Shareholders

  • To manage shareholders and respond to the exercise of rights in accordance with the law, as well as to exercise the rights and fulfill the obligations of the company
  • To provide shareholders and investors with information and to contact them
  • To conduct research necessary for the promotion and improvement of public relations and investor relations (IR) activities

3.Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

We do not provide personal information to third parties except in the following cases

(1) When Consent is Obtained from the Customer

If necessary for the achievement of the purposes described in section 2, we may provide personal information to our business partners, subcontractors, or other third parties. In such cases, we will supervise these parties to ensure proper information management.

(2) When Joint Use is Conducted

Items of personal information used jointly:Personal information obtained by us. However, login information for financial institutions' websites obtained and held by Crafty Co., Ltd. through the Services is excluded from joint use.

  • Purpose of joint use: Same as the purposes described in section 2.
  • Scope of joint use: Crafty Co., Ltd., its subsidiaries, and affiliates.
  • Person responsible for management of joint use:CRESS Co.,Ltd.

(3) Other Cases Permitted by the Personal Information Protection Act

We will not provide personal information to third parties overseas unless permitted by law or with the customer's consent.

4.Provision of Non-Personal Information to Third Parties

We may provide non-personal information (as defined under the Personal Information Protection Act, including browsing history, location information, cookies, etc. that do not identify specific individuals) to third parties such as advertising platforms. If such information is combined with other information to identify an individual, we will comply with the obligations required under the Personal Information Protection Act.

(1) About Google Analytics and Google reCAPTCHA

We use Google Analytics and Google reCAPTCHA, services provided by Google, Inc., on our website. These services use cookies to collect access information, which Google uses to provide us with analysis results. The information we receive from Google does not include any personal data.

5.Requests for Disclosure, Correction, Deletion, or Suspension of Use of Personal Information

Customers can request the disclosure, correction, deletion, or suspension of use of their personal information in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act. Please contact us at the following email address to make such requests

When making a request, please select either provision by electronic record or paper. You will also be required to submit personal identification documents.

Contact email:

6.Security Measures

We take reasonable and appropriate security measures to protect personal information from leakage, loss, or damage, and to ensure its safe management.

7.Supervision of Employees and Contractors

We regularly conduct internal training and awareness programs to improve the knowledge and awareness of our employees regarding the protection of personal information. We also supervise contractors to ensure proper handling of personal information.

8.Security Measures

We implement reasonable security measures, both online and offline, to protect the personal information we collect. Only authorized personnel with the necessary access rights are allowed to handle personal information.

9.Use Beyond the Original Purpose

We do not use personal information beyond the purpose stated at the time of collection without the customer’s consent unless permitted by law.

10.Changes to the Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy as necessary. In cases where legal consent is required for changes, we will notify customers of the changes through our website or other appropriate means.

11.Inquiries and Complaints

For inquiries or complaints regarding this Privacy Policy or the handling of personal information, please contact us at the following email address

Contact email:

Established on October 15, 2024